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2nd Conference on Reasoning and Logic of the Advanced Reasoning Forum

Bucharest, Romania
July 7-12, 2000

On July 7-8 New Europe College hosted a meeting of ARF with the members of New Europe College and students. The talks presented were:

 On things that aren't there Fred Kroon
 Logics of formal inconsistency Walter A. Carnielli
 The meaning of gestures Richard L. Epstein
 Arguments and explanations Richard L. Epstein
 Minds and machines William S. Robinson and Stanislaw Krajewski
 Kripke's way of generating necessary a posteriori truths Desiderio Murcho
 The new theory of reference: problems and difficulties Sorin Costreie
 Kripke's arguments against descriptivism Célia Teixeira
 Valid vs. strong arguments: An account through degrees of truth Mircea Dumitru

July 9-12 members of ARF went to a country retreat, where the following discussions of new research were presented:

 Qualitative reasoning about "most' Walter A. Carnielli
 Consciousness, materialism, and ideology William S. Robinson
 Understanding metaphysical necessity Desiderio Murcho
 Negative existentials Fred Kroon
 Forced values, or a logic of the future Stanislaw Krajewski

On July 10 the Annual General Meeting of ARF was held, at which the following were elected:
 Célia Teixeira, Student Member
 Stanislaw Krajewski, Full Member
 William S. Robinson, Full Member

The members expressed gratitude to Mircea Dumitru for organizing the meeting, and to Anca Oroveanu, of New Europe College, for her part in arranging the meeting with New Europe College, as well as to the many Romanian colleagues whose help and interest in our work made the meeting so lively and pleasant.

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